Sunday, September 21, 2008

So I go to church now...

OK...OK...I go to church now. I know what you are thinking has hell froze over? Nah, I used to be being into church and by that I got caught up in super huge mega churches because it was easy to be anonymous which is good sometimes because I do like watching. Then I went small town church and there was no chance of watching. So after a significant sabbatical from church (note: I never said that I did not deepen my faith and convection by not being in church) I started going to church with my beautiful wife and children and I can say that this is a pretty good place. I think that the preacher has well thought out ideas and makes a point to do things in an organized fashion so it does not fizzle or end up on the shoulders of a select group. I also must say that the place as a whole is welcoming. I ended up joining a group and it could be very good, but I am still spending time watching people. I have found that I have spent more time waiting for people in the church to fail so that I can call them hypocrites, but really why do I do that? Why do I resent "Jesus Freaks" or "Happy Happy Jesus People"? I don't know I have made it a point to make myself a better defender of the faith and I think to myself could these people defend their belief? Would their defense be simplistic? Does it matter? I think that it odes not matter if you are a "Jesus Freak" or Happy Happy Jesus People" if your happy have at it. I think I need to work more at being less cynical and more accepting of face value. It doe not matter if these people are real or "fake" they are just people and is that not the whole point. Remember in scripture the Christ said (and I am paraphrasing) "if they are not against us they are with us" - so join the party.

Now a final note to all my Jewish peeps - don't worry I am still with you. I am looking at how to celebrate Roshashana with month. I enjoy looking for ways to celebrate my christian heritage and I think that at certain times of the year the best way is to celebrate the way Christ did with feasts and celebrations that are ordered by God at the time of Father Abraham and then to Moses and then to the Prophets. I mean hey if it is good enough for God on earth it ought to be good enough for this little want to be Hebrew/Christian.

Coming soon some random notes and observations.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh go cry my a river!

So I took a little hiatus and all I have been hearing is well...nothing about not being around. So to my legions of fans across the globe let me update you on what has been going on. In them of random how's this work has been wild! I was promoted to county manager after 4 months on the job take a vacation after six months on the job come back and have been demoted, then after 2 more months the guy that took my job may be bailing out and guess who work wants to promote - you guessed it me! Now will I take the job?? The question lingers and I have at least a month to decide because that is when my new boss/replacement will make a decision to go or stay. I think he will probably stay, but that has not stopped them from courting me. Anyways enough about work my personal life has been good. I have had some wonderful times with my little ones. My oldest started school and as you can see she dresses like a genius and after only a few weeks it is clear that she has far out paced her aged father.

Oh what other random observations have I made...hmmmmm well as time runs out on me tonight I have thought a lot about politics, but why would I divulge my thoughts now, when this is a time of recap. Oh I know as time has gone by and I have gained another year of experience or maybe lost one more year of sanity I realize something just when you think you have it all figured out you join a gym. Why? I don't know, because I like to pay money and go occasionally and walk around with my chest puffed out for a few days while secretly downing Advil trying to convince my self that I am the stud I used to be and not the SUPER DAD who changes diarrhea diapers. Well, now that I am back keep in mind I will have more to say on the random thoughts that sneak in and leak out!

Next time - I went to church...Yeah I know, but wait until you hear what I have to say about that ol' time religion!