Monday, May 2, 2011

Wearing them with pride

This may sound strange to several of my readers, but I have to say I have managed to get my newest set of black toenails following my ultra-marathon at the Earthly Unicorn 720, and I could not be prouder of the accomplishment they represent. I am sure that at some point over the next several weeks I am going to loose them completely, but until then I look down at my feet with pride. I would have posted pictures, but truly I do not have pretty feet to begin with...well I am pretty all over, but of all my prettiness my least pretty part is my feet with black toenails.

I feel that for a runner having a black toenail or two is an accomplishment for many (or an example of bad foot care, but I digress) that run, but not a requirement to feel accomplished you simply do that by showing up with determination, training, and crossing that finish line. It can be an outward expression of that inward drive if you show it off with pride and beam a little when you tell others how you got them. Again though keep in mind you will get those quizzical looks when you tell them.

I don't want you to think that I have come here to brag about them and I am not following up with it in the real world. I have been wearing flip-flops and sandals when not barefoot and have even made it a point to hit the beach a couple of times to really get some quality foot exposure. I am glad to have them and  I am even more thoughtful about what comes next in my running adventures and what will my training look like. Here's a hint think Disney Goofy...and then think about how excited I must be to sit here and drop hints about a race over 6 months away!!!!!!

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