Thursday, June 5, 2008


Really, REALLY!?! There are times where you must ask that question and the sad part is that by the time you ask that question the situation has already passed and you were caught with your pants down. I say this looking at how things are shaping up on many fronts political, spiritual, work, family, finical, and on and on. Where did the world get so crazy and why is it that the world today is considered so much better than the world in the past. I enjoy tradition and that is unfortunate because at the risk of trying to be politically correct and keep up with the Joneses I fear that this country is committing cultural genocide to any aspects of the American culture that it finds distasteful, some call it revisionist history. It is a sad day in America where we are more concerned with burying the past or keeping the past blazing at such a high temperature that history becomes a joke, a myth, misunderstood, or worthless. I mean lets be honest if you were to call a person a Benedict Arnold today would they even know why that should be an insult? At the end of the day ladies and gentlemen the point is that history should be kept in its proper context and we need to stop changing it to suit the present and face the reality. Is it historic that Barack Obama is the democratic nominee and John McCain is the republican nominee sorta, but we must as Americans who want to live up to the words of the Constitution and Martin Luther King Jr. must remember that not only is this country here so that all people regardless of all their faults are to be treated equally and as Dr. King so eloquently put it that we become a nation that, paraphrasing here, judges a man not by the color of his skin, but the content of his character. I hope as we as a people remember that critical evaluation of an person, nation, or race is not bigotry or racism it is just good practice for making good choices in this world. Character matters and so does the lack of it.

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