Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ouch part deux!

In a recent post I lamented that I had not been as diligent in my training and I believe I even made reference to starting a new workout regime. If I did not allow me to in form you that I did start a new program. I joined a small group at my church and it is "Pump and Pray". I knew it was going to be a challenge, but this is ridiculous.

Me and several other men are working out with the pastor and the gym owner. The gym owner is huge and bends metal for Jesus or did at one point. Well I went twice before Meg went out of town for her conference. Day one was pulling and day two was legs.

I figured I would be fine on legs and I am for the most part.

Now before I go further let me say that this was to be able to improve run times. What it did for me was make it nearly impossible to bend my arms! Now before you all laugh and think "shows you right for showing off". I DID NOT SHOW OFF!!!! If anything I was the most conservative of the bunch.

That being said let me set the stage for you. I left the gym feeling fine a little sore, but no biggie. Then at about 4am it happened my arms were so sore it woke me from a dead sleep (you can ask Meg, that is hard to do). I stumbled to the bathroom closet looking desperately for some muscle rub; no dice. I finally found sone Advil and popped a few and went back to tossing and turning. I was so sore my arms literally stopped bending!

So I did what you would expect - I woke up and went to work my legs when the alarm wore off. The work out was fine as long as I did not bend at a greater then about a 20 degree angle. I was miserable. I did finally find my muscle rub and used it though out the day and Meg was helpful with applying it to my mid neck area. I was miserable all day.

I have since not been for a workout since and today is Saturday and I have only recently began to be able to move my arms in a full range of motion with out applying tons if muscle rub...I did learn something from all of this and it was this: I am thankful for straws! With the aid if straws I was able to make it trough the day and keep hydrated. With my minimal reach it wasn't like I was going to be eating that day...oh the price I pay to stay buff and pretty.  BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

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