Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hardcore Running aka Adverse Weather Conditions

When it comes to being hardcore lets face it people find hardcore activities something to be envied or accomplished depending on who you are as a person. I mean I think jumping out of a perfectly good air plane as hardcore others see it as just something to do. I think bull riding is hardcore, and I would love to give that a try, however, right now I think training to push my body to the limit by running 26.2 miles at the end of the next 6 months is hardcore and others find that to be just crazy. So, that being said I like the idea of doing hard things and this is the case with training for my first 1/2 as part of running my first full marathon. Unlike some people I don not enjoy running in the heat, I know, I know I live in south Georgia how could I not like running in the heat it is hot down here like 10 out of 12 months of the year. What I really enjoy is running in the cold...not below freezing death on your doorstep cold, but cold enough that the wind cuts into you a little and it takes a mile or two to warm the muscles, I think that can be considered hardcore running. I also think that running in the rain can be, like all hardcore activities, either really stupid or really cool.

To that point I submit to you that if you go out to run when it is a torrential downpour not hardcore...kind of dumb. However running outside, as I was today, and the rain comes well that looks much better there is less of a stupid element to it. i know what your thinking - How will the people driving by you while your running know the difference? Well, granted they won't, but you will and it makes it easier to push through the run and feel good coming in to the house and then your significant other is not so quick to make fun of you for being caught in the rain versus leaving in the rain.

So, as the summer rolls on I will be out there either early in the morning or late into the evening picking 'em up and putting 'em down as the training goes on and will I be hardcore? I would be content to not fall over from too much heat. I will wait for those late day thunderstorms to help me look hardcore.

1 comment:

Jenny Ward McDonald said...

Rain on a run can be devine if it is the right kind. It also keeps me moving becuase, walking in the rain makes you look crazy, running in the rain makes you look dedicated!