Thursday, June 10, 2010

Race Day in less than 1 day and 1 hour!!!

The best part of all the training has now come full circle; this has been race week! All the sweat (there has been a lot of that), all the pain (some of that), all the music (new and old), and having for the first time ever my wife with me makes it all worthwhile! Now, I know that there is probably nothing in this world less fun than going to an endurance race if you are not in the race so I am very appreciative of her being at my first race and now running with me. This will be fun and there needs to be a good attitude and loads of laughs; in order for yours truly to accomplish this I have thrown away the idea of personal bests, I can shoot for that in my July race on St. Simon's, I just want us to enjoy ourselves.

That being said I am starting to get ramped up in a big way for the race...the bloods pumping a little quicker the slight taste of adrenaline is hinted at when I swallow...its GO TIME BABY!!!!! Time to dial it back a notch that can be hard. I just love countdowns and this is going to be one for the books. Tomorrow will be my last pre-race post when I expand on the 90/10 split from earlier and I believe that will set the tone for what needs to happen when it comes to flipping the "switch" to mentally be prepared.

So, I think I am going to try and let my mind wonder and not focus on the race. It has been really difficult since Monday to not look at the map everyday and scrutinize the website everyday, to talk about the race everyday, but I would have driven people nuts if I did, so I am trying to be considerate, but trust me there will be an extended recap of the race and the adventure. I am ensuring pictures by bringing my phone and since it has a flash I don't worry about the lighting!! Now if only the weather holds, talk of rain is at 40 percent, but that I can safely say I have been checking daily since Monday....I mean I need one little indulgence to me mania side (insert maniacal laugh here),

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