Saturday, June 5, 2010

It could be the music

It is no secret that my runs have been averaging 12 minute miles for the last several long runs leading up to the race next week.What may be a secret is that I have changed my run music, well that may not be entirely true, I have actually replaced my music with OTR and that has had a negative effect. See when I run short runs I listen to music and get lost in the beat and run accordingly. On the long runs I have mistakenly convinced myself that radio dramas are good ideas, they are not! They drag at time, I want to listen to the story line and that tends to slow me down and take away from the energy I put into running. I was pretty convinced that I could run with just about anything playing in my ears. I am clearly wrong. I went running today and my ankle bruise held up well, but I was still slow and pitiful and the only thing that could make sense was what was going on in my head. Even when I run to just the sounds of nature I run better, so clearly I need to have better tunes. I am going to go back to my old run playlist and try to find a few new ones to add to the list, since change is the spice of life I now know that for training OTR is not a good spice, I may need something new to work from. This one is particularly short because I am tired and need to get to bed. I have an early run in the morning before church...7 miles and then a pool party later in the day. Next week as we start the race countdown I hope to express well my excitement.

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