Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A little bit o'pain

It has been a few days since my last post so I thought I would talk about what has been going on since my last post. I have managed to put down 15 miles in 3 days and I was terribly tired those three days. I have managed to drop a couple of pounds and then put them back on, but that's OK since they were never off long. Then something strange happened to me this week...I was going to work hard at catching up on some missed work outs while the kids are out of town and then I would not have to make a choice about finishing my calender or letting it go (and that does not sit too well at this point). The strange thing was that I listened to my body and I mean really listened for a change and did not push hard.
Let me explain more of what I mean...I am currently dealing with heal pain and the first thing that ran through me was panic, self imposed, but panic none the less. See, I had a crazy wacky idea this year and that was to make 2010 the year I did it all! Every Disney race out there finishing strong with the marathon in January and then have a more normal running life regarding runs, medals, t-shirts, etc. but I wanted this and I wanted it bad. See I consider myself a driven person, but not always a finisher. I often start things and have difficulty staying focused on the prize to complete tasks in a timely manner. Examples: I have a book on my night stand for almost a year (what the hell?), I am a week and a half late on going through paperwork of a former employee, I have yet to wash the truck (which I wanted to do this week), and the list goes on. Well, I was tired of being that person so I decided this would be a way to start and finish something with out getting distracted. I think at times I slip into three year old mode and I see a new shiny "thing" and move toward it when I am not done with my current shiny "thing". Frustrating!

Now back to the panic  - I was worried that it would be bad heel damage and would put me out of running for two to four weeks that would eat into my marathon training schedule. That left me one choice keep training through the pain...well I didn't I could just see in my head with every step more fibers of my Achilles tearing away from the bone and running be a "once did". You know those statements "I once did run a marathon, I once did swim for my college at the varsity level..." these are all like old war stories and since I have yet to be running a year I did not want to have those war stories yet. I wanted to be able to say I ran the Peachtree Road Race, the Boston Marathon, earn the Disney Coast to Coast Medal, and even one day do an international run (now that would be fun!).

Well, last night I stretched and massaged to try to work out the pain. I was not seeing any reasons, no tale tale stretch marks, no bruising, no cuts, nothing. I went running again today and it still hurt the pain was different, but it hurt all the same, and that was a whole different set of worries. Feeling worried I asked my gracious wife to rub my heel since I really can't reach that far. Thanks sweetie! I noticed something the pain was isolated and not through out the foot. That meant a possible ray of hope; it was probably not serious! (at this point insert singing angels) So, I rubbed my ankle and it was true - isolated pain. Now detective work to find the source..then I noticed it a small round and deep brown bruise! A bruise I can handle that I have those all the time. I was thrilled it was a plain old fashioned inconvenient bruise. That also means I probably stepped against something and did not realize it until the bruise came to the surface. That raises separate questions related to footwear, but that is a different post. So, this means a few days off the course and I should be fine. So, while I internally wrestle with the changes to my training schedule I have to remember what Hal Higdon states about his programs and that is that they are simply recommendations not iron clad rules to run by...sigh!

I find it irritating to break in the middle of my routine, but that is OK I would rather treat it while it is small than let it become something big. I think I am going to use this as an example to myself that if I want to be a finisher then I need to get back to finishing my tasks, not just my current shiny thing...which reminds me I think starting tomorrow that book needs to really get read.

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