Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two updates in one...

Yesterday I tried to do things a little differently, I took an easy run. I decided to not push myself too hard and settle into a slow run pace that I was used to when I first started...that is a 12 minute mile pace if your wondering. Now, I am not speed demon, but that felt slow. I mean to stay in that range I walked and walked and walked and still managed to get home at 36 minutes. In the end I forgot the fun that an easy walk/run can be and it allowed me to enjoy the outdoors. Simply put this was a mindful experience where I tried to stay in the moment and look around and not loose myself to the run and the music.

Now coming part 2...

Today I did my 400's and once again 400's are like tempo runs horriable and unsure why I do those...I mean why are those on my training calendar anyways! So, I did my 400's and I don't know what olympic speed is but I stayed aroudnd 2 min each way some were slower but none were faster. So in two weeks I will be doing 400's again and I have decided to try to break that 2 minute mark and who knows that may be the key to me becoming really strong during the 5k. I now have started to think of that as more of a sprint run since I will be starting my 1/2 marathon training in about 6 weeks. Man I am looking forward to that...oh one last point of interest I have finally put over 200 miles on my shoes. I am up to about 225 now. That means only 475 more miles to go before I get new shoes and that is going to be several posts in and of itself, that is a big big big choice.

Well that is all for now...oh one last thing I am looking for a neat tag line to sign off with any thoughts would be considered.

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