Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What a run? or was it walk?

It is important to listen to your body when you train. I know that from personal experience. When you don't it can hurt you and your training experience. Tonight was a prime example - as I ran it occurred to me that I hurt. My ankles, knees, lungs, all of it and probably the most important warning sign was that I could feel my left calf mussel knotting up. Now this means that as I ignored my body the louder it talked, yelled, and hit me to let me know that I was doing too much.

So, I stopped and walked and walked and walked and then ran more. It was a horrible training run, but I had to keep up with the calender. It also made me realize that I had to change a lot of  things about how I treat my body. Least of which is hydrate, stretch and rest. Well, in reflection I am now going to hydrate, stretch and later rest.

I think that rest is the part that is hardest on me, I feel everyday that things are left undone so I stay up later to get them done, but maybe it is more about organizing my time away from the family better so that my time with the family is better...hmmm now there is a thought, lets see how this plays out.

Speaking of undone things I need to start making headway on my Motivational Interview book...

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