Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Long Run - Race Training Report

Sunday was a long run day and today was routine so I will not worry you with routine, but Sunday was long...really long...I basically ran a 10k. Now many people may see that and cringe, but I see it as an opportunity to test myself for my long range goal of a half-marathon. Well then, that is not such a long run, it was basically half of a half and that is nothing. That being said I want to direct your attention to the glass half full approach to this run.

Like most things in life you can be a downer or an upper. I try real hard to be an upper, even when I don't feel it, I figure so many other people have problems why bother them with mine. Well, I could go on about this, but as noted in the past I feel that running helps me to clear my head and center my thoughts, and it does, but when that fails I have to remind myself to keep "my side of the street clean". What does that mean you ask? Well, some AA friends of mine explain it like this: I have to do what is best for me and you can get on board or try to junk up my side of the street. If I let your stuff get in my way I will never get where I am going. Pretty good right? I mean what does a runner hate more than having to go around things and artificially extend a run...ugh!

That being said I am talking about a major shift for many people and that is because their Eeyore side has taken over and maybe they are not taking as good care of themselves emotionally, spiritually, physically, relationally, whatever and that stuff drowns out their Tigger (if you know anything of Pooh Bear you know the analogy I am attempting to draw). Now as a counselor I often tell people to fake it till the make it with their emotions, because despite what you would be lead to believe it is way harder to break an Eeyore habit than to start a Tigger habit. Basically, Tigger takes energy and work and Eeyore lets you wallow in and meet your daily goal of sorrow. So, how do you keep going and keep things up and not down? How do you put one foot in front of the other day in and day out? How do you make it worthwhile when your mind and body tell you to give up? (Mine did by the way - today! My mind and body told me to stay home and sit on the couch and it was tempting).

Well I will answer the first question this way - No one makes you feel anyway if you don't give them permission. You have to start out knowing it will be a great day (even if you don't think so, tell yourself anyways, I do) and allow for bumps that don't cost you your cool. When you loose that you loose a lot...including respect and trust from others. Next question keeping in motion - well once you get started don't stop, but be clear why you started and remind yourself of that when the bed is extra warm in the winter or the rain is a little harder than you want it to be.

When that fails you need to make a change - either your motivations for doing or what it is that you do...it is OK to change like a reed in the wind, you do not always have the be the steady oak, just feel good about your choice and try not to hurt others as you change. Last question, well that is a bit trickier...if your mind and body tell you to stay away from something, or stay home to avoid something, or stay in the craziness of things,  when the healthy thing is the opposite than step back look at what brought up that dialogue (i.e. question 1) or  your motivation (i.e. question 2). Go away to center your thoughts if that is what is needed, take a time out, surround yourself with friends, family, or loved ones to make yourself recharged and whole again. Do all the things that are necessary to bring you back to your Tigger. You may have to reach far far back in your file cabinet to when that was, but once there look at what worked make the needed adjustments and make that leap. Just a word of caution when you leap make sure people know...if not they may try to tie a bungee to your butt and snap right back to where you don't want to be. This may sound simplistic, but it is supposed to be, life is not meant to be hard.

Well, that does it for now, I have a tempo run tomorrow and my mind is already telling me how much I don't like them. So, I start telling me why they are important and start making plans to do it a little different. I will let you know if it is a success.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WEll you could have just put "dear Meghan" at the beginning of that one... :)